I am happy to say that after years of gardening failures this year's garden was a success. Looking back over what I have spent on groceries I estimate that we have saved at least $800 a month if not more. We have also eaten well on the fresh produce. All of the old heirloom seeds sprouted and did beautifully. Here are a few photos of the 3 Sister method that I mentioned in an earlier post. This was a terrific method. I am totally sold on companion planting. I recently learned that squash leaves actually have a chemical in them that suppress weed growth. So the corn stalks provided a pole for the beans to climb. The beans fixed the nitrogen in the soil. The squash shaded the ground and worked as a mulch suppressing weed growth and evaporation.
I also covered open ground with layers of newspaper covered in a layer of grass clippings. This method saved me hours of backbreaking weeding and watering. I will never garden again without using this method. This is the easiest garden that I have ever grown and I have had the biggest harvests.
I have planted my first Fall garden. I planted radishes with my greens. Supposedly the insects don't like radishes and this protects my greens. I am not sure about this. I saw white moths happily flitting around in them. I will let you know how it goes!
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