Monday, May 12, 2014

3 Sisters

   I have finally decided what I am going to do with at least some of these old heirloom seeds that I inherited. I have successfully sprouted the corn, beans and squash. I have filled up my garden space and my family and friends are begging me to not get another garden plot at the community garden. They are probably right. Corn takes a lot of room and I just can't fit it in at my home. Then I realized that these three plants are called the three sisters because they can be planted together in the American Indian tradition. In my community garden I planted a row of squash/melons leaving an empty row on either side for them to sprawl into. The 3 sisters method has the squash growing at the feet of the corn  to provide mulch for the corn. The corn provides a trellis for the beans. The beans fix the nitrogen for the corn. I just hope that I grow enough to harvest the seeds for next year. Then I will have fresh free heirloom seeds for next year. Wish me luck.

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