Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Continuation on the War

      I am still victorious in my war against the Stripped Cucumber Beetle. I wanted to share more of what I have learned about his most formidable foe in hopes that it could help someone else out there suffering as I was. I have learned from a very knowledgable Garden Center Employee that the key to winning the battle is to mask the scent of the cucumber and squash plants. Their scent can be masked by anything witch hazel, marigolds, basil, lemon balm, oregano and even Channel #5 if I can afford it. If the beetle can't smell that plant then he can't find it. He doesn't think that Malathion or Sevin work on insects with a shell. I have tried everything and it is working. I don't know what is doing it I am just glad that I haven't lost anymore plants.

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