Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Newspaper Pots

    I have been making newspaper pots for my little sprouts. I just love them. They are free, quick to make, and the right size. I have about 112 and need to make about 72 more. There are many different ways to make these pots. The youtube video that I like and shows the method I use is called

DIY: Newspaper Pots for Seed Starting/Cuttings

and here is the link.


    They are sturdy little pots. My daughter had a couple of sheets of pretty tissue paper left over from something and used this method to make a pretty box. It isn't very strong but she is going to keep bobby pins and barrettes in it just for fun. If you used card stock you could make a pretty gift box. Well I better get back to the regular old newspaper ones because these sprouts aren't going to wait. They are growing like crazy!

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